

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Aweasome Android Libraries You Will Need

Today post I'm going to show you some amazing libraries which can use for your android project to make thing easier.

1. Shape Image View.

Github -

2. Image Slider

Check this library if you need aweasome looking image slider with various animation 

3. Realm

If you are looking replacement for sqlite in android ,realm is the best one 珞. It is a ORM library for android and other mobile plateform and it is very easy to use than sqlite.

4. Zxing

Do you want to develop application to scan qr,barcode etc. This is the best library for you.

5. Text autofit

This library will help you to add textbox which adjust it text size based on the no of characters in the Edittext view. 

I will update this list if i found other cool libraries

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